Ableton Live Quick Tip, Insert & Cut Time
Ableton Live 9 is my DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) of choice. I love the user interface, workflow and simplicity. For me, it’s a software that helps bring out the creative side of music production. Although Ableton Live is super easy to use, it is a very deep and advanced piece of software. Since I use Ableton Live daily I wanted to share some tips and tricks which I use to help speed up my workflow.
Tip Of The Day: Insert & Cut Time in Ableton Live
If you need to create space in your arrangement, you can “Insert Time” by highlighting the amount of space you want to insert and press Command+I. If you want to set the length of the time manually, click in the spot you want to add time to and press Command+I, then enter the mount of bars you want to add, then click OK.
To cut time, in other words, erase or delete a particular section of the arrangement, highlight the section you want to erase and press Shift+Command+X.Inserting and cutting time will move over automation accordingly. This is true for insert tracks and master track.
Hope this was helpful.